No rights may be derived from the illustrations and information provided on this website, even though they have been put together with the greatest of care.
Privacy policy
- Seaviewresidences.nl is bound by the Personal Data Protection Act.
- In principle, all personal data that you have provided will only be made available to Hureninzeezicht.nl. However, your data could be centrally registered.
- Should you not wish to receive any information on services and products, you can let this be known. At the bottom of each newsletter, you can deregister for these services.
- We exercise the utmost of care when processing your personal data. We use only those data that we need to provide optimal services. Insofar as this is not already covered by the law or does not follow from any other obligations that Hureninzeezicht.nl has taken on towards you, no personal data will be shared with third parties.
- You can ask Hureninzeezicht.nl which of your data has been processed and to have this corrected should you encounter any errors. You can submit a written request for an overview of your data.
- Hureninzeezicht.nl uses cookies in order to offer optimal user experience on the websites and apps. You can find more information about the cookies we use in our cookie-statement.